Botanical Name: Amelanchier spp.
Other Common Names: Juneberry, Serviceberry, Shadbush, Saskatoon
Brief Description and Notes: These are wonderful plants. Not only are they beautiful native landscaping trees and shrubs, but their fruits are also edible! June is the prime month for harvesting them, as the common name indicates. They have oval leaves (young leaves can have downy hairs) and pretty white flowers in spring time. There are at least 30 different species spread out over the U.S. Diseases are common, unfortunately.
Where To Look For It: Intentionally planted food forests; moist but well-draining soil; tolerates sun as well as shade (though not deep shade); low elevation coniferous forests; riparian areas;
Ornamental Value: Large shrub or small tree, spring flowers (one of the first spring shrubs to bloom), fall color
Ecological Value & Roles: Berries provide food for many different species of birds; foliage provides food for caterpillars; flowers provide food for various pollinators
Edibility and Other Human Use: They can be substituted for blueberries in any of your favorite recipes, or they are perfectly lovely on their own.
Photo Sources:
Featured image courtesy of Missouri Botanical Garden
Information references:
USDA Forest Services: Amelanchier alnifolia
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center