Newsletter Archive with Seasonal Tips

Each monthly newsletter includes seasonal tips, plant spotlights, and other special tidbits. Enjoy! 

Link Highlights inside include…
December 2020 Seasonal uses for Sumac, Spicebush, Hawthorn, Bayberry, plus insights into stratification
October 2020 Spotlights on Sedum, Aster, and Garlic
September 2020 Wild potato & tips for veggie garden
August 2020 Buckeye, Lobelia, Mushrooms, prepping blueberry beds, and more
July 2020 Sassafras, fruit foraging, Spotted Lanternfly treatment, and more
June 2020 Baptisia, Mayapple, what veggies to plant 
March 2020 Sugar maple, Lesser Celandine, and more
February 2020 Evergreen ferns and other fern facts
January 2020 Bayberry, how to help wildlife, trees with ornamental bark 
December 2019 Winterberry & other great winter berries, plus tips for mulching with pine needles
November 2019 Eastern Red Cedar, holiday specials, subshrubs, Wild Grape
October 2019 Witch Hazel, seed-saving, mulch doughnuts 
September 2019 Lobelia, fruit trees, tree root health
August 2019 Pawpaw, clover, fall crops
July 2019 Beebalm, watering during heatwaves, rain barrels
June 2019 Juneberry, onions, healthy weeds
May 2019 Redbud, Bluebells, what to plant
March 2019 soil amendments, what to plant